Bilingual wedding invitations
Choose Bilingual wedding invitations if you require invitations in more than one language. Here are some examples of multilingual wedding stationery.
Can we have our wedding invitations in two languages?
Yes! we have been asked this question several times before.
If the couple are of different nationalities they may wish to send out invitations to family in more than one language. Paper Pleasures has also produced bilingual wedding invitations for clients overseas.
We have extensive knowledge of typesetting and all our wedding stationery can be set in foreign languages – previous examples include Norwegian, French, Finnish, Spanish…
The flexibility of our bespoke wedding stationery means that we are always happy to provide mixed orders of English / foreign language wedding invitations, reply cards, menus, order of service etc. Quantities can be just what you need.
Our experience is that one of the wedding party will supply and proof read the second language. We are always careful in our typesetting – but a careful proofing procedure ensures all is perfect for the big day!
If you require bilingual wedding invitations please talk to us – it’s not the problem you may think.
Do you need wedding invitations in more than one language?
Bespoke design means you can have what you want in whatever quantity.